Monday, September 8, 2008

Amsterdam Part 2

Last night, as you read in my earlier post, we toured the Red Light district and saw all that that has to offer. What we did today was explored the other side of Amsterdam. We went out to the Rijksmusuem, the Van Gogh Museum and we tried to find the Heineken Experience, but as always Peter and I got lost. We eventually found it, but unfortunately it was closed, so that was kinda lame but no big deal.

The Rijksmuseum was cool as it had a lot of Rembrandt''s paintings. Those were cool because I guess he specialized in portraits and such. Van Gogh was cool because he was less restrictive in his painting etc. If you want to know about the paintings just check out the internet.

The thing we found most cool was just walking around the city. It is all very cool. People ride around on bikes all over the place and the canals kind of trace the roads, they follow each other. So while we were lost we probably had our most fun just walking around and taking in the awesome scenery. Another thing is everyone rides the bikes from old women to kids. Its pretty cool but you have to make sure you don't walk in the bike lines. Those people are very serious about those and you may get hit.

Needless to say Peter and I love Amsterdam more for the area outside of the Red Light district. Well we got one more day here then off to Barce.

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